An Oklahoma retailer has partnered with several organizations to help support its community during the pandemic. Galaxy Home Recreation, with four locations in the state, conducted a social media food drive in March and April for the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, which works to counteract food insecurity for area families.
The retailer’s customers were encouraged to take a selfie with a Galaxy product and post it to social media. Galaxy donated $75 to the food bank for each posted selfie, $500 on behalf of the contest winner and a percentage of company profits from March and April sales.
“One of Galaxy’s defined core values is to make a meaningful impact within our Galaxy family and our community,” says Zena Shah, CFO for the retailer.
Galaxy also hosted a June 15 blood drive at the company’s Broken Arrow and Tulsa distribution center locations. Thirty-one people donated blood, which equates to saving 93 lives, Shah says. “We’ve learned that, during the pandemic and resulting inability to host blood drives, Oklahoma has 60% less blood than is needed at this time,” she says, adding that the drive will be a reoccurring semiannual event for Galaxy.
Galaxy also provided financial and marketing support for the PanCan Oklahoma 2020 virtual advocacy week event in June, hosted by the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. The company also supports Make a Wish and The Junior League of Tulsa on an ongoing basis. “We want our team to feel proud of where they work,” Shah says. “We are supported by the local community, so we want to support the community right back.”
The Oklahoma Blood Institute donation RV sits in front of the Broken Arrow location of Galaxy Home Recreation Galaxy team members who gave blood at the Broken Arrow location blood drive.