Hot tub industry veteran and engineer, Wayne Bart, recently returned to Clearwater Spas after a 10-year hiatus. Previously, Bart had...
Manufacturers are staying proactive with expansion plans designed to speed production and streamline processes. From additional work shifts to building...
Predicting hot tub lead times remains a serious planning headache for dealers. Like much of the pandemic’s timeframe, it’s anyone’s...
While 2019 hot tub industry growth was small or held steady at 2018 numbers, many manufacturers have found themselves in...
It never hurts to look beyond your backyard and see how the other guys are doing things. While the overseas...
In a lot of ways, the spa industry seems to be moving in slow motion. Demand is still high, experts...
The panic started to seep in the last days of February. Warnings about the coronavirus grew, and early signs from...
MAINELY TUBS Scarborough, Maine, and Rye, New Hampshire Leadership at Mainely Tubs had a second location on the brain...
When Clearwater Spas in Woodinville, Washington, moved into the swim spa sector, its chief engineer had never designed or built...