
Make the Pieces Fit

Finding your place in the backyard scheme

I recently had the pleasure of visiting several hot tub retailers in Seattle. It was fun to see stores in person I’d been writing about in SpaRetailer for years. It was also fascinating to learn how different each business was, despite being in the same market and having a similar customer base.

Each of these successful businesses does things a bit differently than the next. For some, backyard merchandise is a huge portion of their focus and revenue. For others, it’s secondary but makes money nonetheless. Still others focus almost exclusively on hot tubs.

This special edition is important even if you don’t sell patio furniture or grills. The backyard is still your domain — it’s where you’re going to plant that hot tub, after all!

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For those looking for new backyard product categories to try, chances are we’re talking about them within these pages — and we’ve also covered how to better capitalize on the backyard products you already carry. If perhaps you have no interest in taking on new backyard products, don’t forget the merits of the whole-backyard approach to selling. Your hot tub may be one piece of the outdoor puzzle, but it should still fit with the other features of customers’ spaces.

Megan Kendrick, publisher