PHTA WAVE Scholarship.Poolpromag

PHTA Announces New WAVE Scholarship Program

The WAVE Young Professionals Network, a networking group established by the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance, believes education and training are key to growth in the aquatics industry. Through the new PHTA WAVE Scholarship, young professionals can apply for a scholarship to support their education through PHTA-approved trainings.  

The available classes include maintenance specialist, pool inspector, service technician, hot tub technician and builder professional – C201 concrete. 

To apply for the scholarship, young professionals must meet the following criteria:

- Sponsor -
  • Applicant must fully complete the scholarship application.
  • Applicant must be a young professional under the age of 35 years old at the time of application.
  • Applicant must be a PHTA member in good standing.
  • Applicants must adhere to the PHTA Code of Ethics.
  • Scholarship is for one class as noted on the application.
  • Scholarship must be used within six months of being awarded.
  • Applicants will be approved by the PHTA board of directors and recommended by the PHTA WAVE steering committee.

The deadline to apply is June 30, 2023.

For more information, contact Seth Ewing, PHTA senior director of member programs and services, at sewing@phta.org.