For many reasons, I’d say most people in the hot tub industry were happy to say goodbye to 2024. I, for one, was ready to hit the reset button and welcome in 2025. One month in, hopefully, things are off to a great start for you and your business.
One thing we’ve learned postpandemic is hot tub retailers need to be on point. There’s no room for complacency or inefficiency when you’re fighting for every sale. Everything must be sharp. And one way to sharpen your skills is to do a deep analysis of your market and competitors. This issue is full of tips on ways to do that, what to analyze and what to look for. You may be the best hot tub store in your market, but are you the best luxury retailer? This is a great time to look at and learn from businesses you compete with, directly or not.
Other things to read in this issue — we’ve been keeping an eye on Tropical Spas after their showroom was destroyed by a fire in 2023. We are happy to share that they are back in their store! I am always so inspired by the resilience of people and businesses when they are faced with this kind of disaster, and I hope you are too. Unfortunately, after the California wildfires this January we may have more of these stories to tell.
And of course, don’t miss reading about the 2024 Hot Tub Hall of Fame inductees. I talked about them in my last welcome, so I won’t go in-depth here, but I will say that handing out these awards at PHTA’s Awards of Excellence ceremony in Dallas was a highlight of my year. If there are people, past or present, in the industry you think are deserving of this recognition, please send us their names. I hope more of you can join us at the awards in Las Vegas this year to honor our next class of inductees.
Megan Kendrick, publisher